Pokemon x y episode 70
Pokemon x y episode 70

pokemon x y episode 70

They quickly spot Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper, and rush to save them, but are confronted by Team Rocket. Although Team Rocket tries to shake them off, Goodra blasts a hole in the side of the ship and the three of them enter. Using Dragon Pulse as a propellant, Goodra gives itself enough thrust to board the airship as well. Goodra uses its antenna to fling Ash onto Team Rocket's ship, and Florges follows on a Yanmega. Ash explains to everyone that Florges took control of the marshlands so she can heal Floette, but the water is now being taken by Team Rocket. Outside the spring cave, Clemont, Serena, and Keanan watch as Team Rocket's previously hidden airship takes to the skies and prepares to leave, and they meet with Ash and Bonnie again. Before she can retaliate, however, Team Rocket escapes. They boast about their plan to drain all of the water in the wetlands, and Florges finally realizes that she and her Pokémon army had been tricked all along. At that moment, Jessie, James, and Meowth reveal themselves and their captive Pokémon. Ash and Bonnie then notice the decline in the water level, and as they begin to piece together the story when they realize that Floette is Florges's child, the water begins to drain away completely. Like the other Pokémon, Florges believes Team Rocket's story and refuses to accept Ash and Bonnie's claims to the contrary. Suddenly, Florges appears behind them, flanked by two Seviper. The three of them enter the spring, but it appears at first glance to be deserted. Left with no choice but to battle, Clemont and Serena keep the Pokémon occupied while Ash and Bonnie go with Goodra to find Florges. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends arrive at the outer area of the spring, but several Bug-type Pokémon are keeping watch and refuse to believe Bonnie's claims about Team Rocket's treachery since they only listen to Florges, not anyone else. Back at Keanan's cabin, Keanan comes to the same conclusion and immediately heads out to discover the cause of the problem. Florges worries over her sick daughter Floette, but Floette is not healing because the water is running low and its special healing properties are insufficient to save Floette. Meanwhile, at the spring taken over by Florges and her Bug-type and Poison-type army, Team Rocket has put Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper into special cages to prevent their escape. Keanan, meanwhile, decides to stay behind and investigate further. Following Goodra's lead, Ash and his friends leave to find their missing friends. Having reviewed the surveillance data, Clemont and wetlands warden Keanan tell the others that he has discovered Team Rocket's involvement in the recent events.

pokemon x y episode 70

Despite Goodra, Frogadier, and Fletchinder's best efforts, the opposing Pokémon are able to escape. After many heartfelt farewells, our heroes are off once again to Laverre City, and Goodra is back home! PlotĬontinuing on, Ash chases several Bug-type and Poison-type Pokémon as they kidnap Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper. When Ash sees how happy Goodra is to be home, he makes a tough decision and offers to let Goodra stay and protect the wetlands and its friends who live there. Soon, everyone discovers the truth: the Team Rocket trio are slowly draining the wetlands so they can sell the healing water for profit! Goodra and Florges decide to work together against this common enemy, and their combined efforts soon send Team Rocket blasting off again. But now, the water appears to be drying up.

pokemon x y episode 70

Pikachu, Dedenne, and Wooper have been kidnapped, and after an intense battle with Florges, Goodra is in no shape to go after them! While our heroes start a search, the real motivation behind the attack on Goodra’s home becomes clear: Florges is taking care of a sad little Floette, who needs the spring’s healing water to get better.

Pokemon x y episode 70